Onkoloji Hastalarında Göğüs Duvarı Yerleşimli Santral Venöz Kateter Uygulamaları: Tek Merkez Deneyimi
P: 105-108

Onkoloji Hastalarında Göğüs Duvarı Yerleşimli Santral Venöz Kateter Uygulamaları: Tek Merkez Deneyimi

Acta Haematol Oncol Turc 2009;42(3):105-108
1. Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Göğüs Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, EDİRNE
2. Elazığ Devlet Hastanesi, Tıbbi Onkoloji Kliniği, ELAZIĞ
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 2014-08-28T17:06:35


Evaluation of safety, comfortability and reliability of implantable venous port catheter insertion via the subclavian vein in oncology patients and complications of subcutaneous venous chest ports in adult patients. Port catheter was inserted in 132 patients via subclavian vein, from November 01, 2006 to February 15, 2009. Of the 132 patients, 61 (46%) were men and 71 (54%) were women. The mean age was 55.8 (range: 18-86). Mean duration of cathetere stay was 255 days (range: 30-1150 catheter days). in 21 (15.5%) procedures, the foitowing related complications occured (pneumothorax in five, infections in five, arteriai punctu-res in nine, obstruction in one, breakage of catheter in one). Procedure related early complication rate was 10.3%, and late complications occured at a rate of 5.1 %. Catheter removai was required in three patients due to two catheter infections and one spon-taneous breakage of the catheter. İn the vast majority 97.8% n =129) of the patients the device has stili been functioning nor-mally. The results indicate that the use of a totally implantable venous access system insertion via subclavian vein is a comfor-table and reliable method for chemotherapy administration and nutrition. Hovvever, Central venous catheters are associated with a number of potentially serious complications and can be cosmetically distressing.