The aim of this study is to determine distress, anxiety and depression in patients who have received hematologic cancer diagnosis and who are on chemotherapy treatment.
The sample consisted of 75 individuals who were diagnosed with hematologic cancer and who were on chemotherapy treatment in the hematology department and in there mote chemotherapy unit. Participant were applied personal information form, DistressThermometer (DT) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).
Accordingto DT, 52 patients (69.3%) had highstress (≥4), 23 patients (30.7%) had lowstress (<4). According to the HAD scale, HAD-Anxiety sub-dimension was found to be over 10 in 17 patients (22.7%). In terms of HAD-Depression sub-dimension, it was determined that 47 patients (62.7%) wereover 7.There is a significant positive difference between DT and HAD scales. Theme an anxiety score of the ladies was found to be statistically higher than the average of the anxiety scores of the males.
The vast majority of patient sare distressed during the treatment process from the time of diagnosis. Anxiety and depression levels increase as patients' distress increases. Thus, the physical and emotional complaints of the patient sare increased, the compliance with the treatment becomes difficult, the length of hospital stay increases and the quality of life of the patient decreases. Patients should be screened routinely with easy screening scales to detect patients suffering from psychological distress.