Denosumab is an effective and usefull drug for managing the giant cell bonetumor. It is considered the gold standard for treatment of the inoperable or metastatic giant cell tumors. Theefficacy of denosumab in giant cell bone tumors has been demonstrated in prospective randomized trials. Neoadjuvant therapy with denosumab may facilitate intralesional surgery in giant cell tumor instead of resection leading to more morbidity in a large giant cell tumor close to the neurovascular structure. It should not be forgotten that pseudosarcomatous changes in biopsies may ocur after denosumab treatment due to different reasons. Giant cell tumor may result in dense cortex after denosumab treatment and local tumor recurrence after concealment of tumor cells within the subchondral bone. Denosumab is associated with jaw osteonecrosis formation. In this article, guidelines for systematic evaluation, risk factors, diagnostic-therapeutic usefullness and treatment options for patients treated with denosumab are presented.