Triple Negatif Meme Kanserli Hastalarda Aksiller Lenf Nodu Tutulumu Farklılık Gösterir mi?
P: 14-18

Triple Negatif Meme Kanserli Hastalarda Aksiller Lenf Nodu Tutulumu Farklılık Gösterir mi?

Acta Haematol Oncol Turc 2008;41(1):14-18
1. Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtarslan Ankara Onkoloji Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 1. Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, ANKARA
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No information available
Received Date: 2014-08-28T17:06:33


Tumor markers are becoming increasingly important in breast cancer research because of their impact on prognosis, treat-ment, and survival, and because of their relation to breast cancer subtypes. 108 Stage2 breast cancer patient with T2 tumour included the study. Ali of the patients underwenr modifided radical mastectomy with stevvart transvers incision and Level l-ll-lll axillary dissection. Group 1: Eostrogen Receptor (ER) negative, Progesterone receptor (PR) negative, Her2 Receptor (Her2) negative patients (46 patients). Group 2: Any of Eostrogen Receptor (ER), Progesterone Receptor (PR) or Her2 Receptor (Her2) positive patients (62 patients). This two groups compared in respect to average number of dissected total lymph nodes and num-ber of average positive lymph nodes. Data showed that there is no significant difference betvveen two groups in respect to average number of dissected total lymph nodes and number of average positive lymph nodes. To our study we think that it is important to clarify this entity with further investigations becouse of its possible role in diagnosis and management of different treat-ment modalities.