It is accepted that smoking increases the risk of bladder cancer by 2-4 times however studies evaluating the relationship between the use of different tobacco types and bladder carcinoma are limited. In this study, the effect of Nicotiana Rustica, known as Maraş powder, on bladder cancer was investigated.
The data of 98 patients who underwent transurethral bladder tumor (TUR-M) resection due to bladder tumor in our clinic between 2014-2019 were evaluated retrospectively and 41 cases were found to be in accordance with the study criteria. Cases were divided into three groups: regular smoking, Maras powder and none. In the light of the data obtained, a comparison was made between the groups.
Of the patients diagnosed with bladder carcinoma, 71% were male and 29% were female. The mean age of the patients was 63 years (51-79 years). When all cases were grouped according to the tobacco used; group 1 consisted only of cases using cigarette, group 2 using only smokeless tobacco, and group 3 consisted of cases using no tobacco products; 51% of these patients smoked and 15% used Maras powder. It was seen that 5 of the 6 patients who used Maras powder used more than 5 herbs per day and all of these cases had T1 tumors; the only one case with Ta pathology which using less than 5 herbs.
The relationship between the use of Maras powder and bladder cancer remained poorly significant compared to the relationship between smoking and bladder cancer. However, it was found to be higher than non-tobacco_