This is a case of a young woman who had testicular feminization and deveioped a seminoma in an undescended testis. This patient admitted to the gynecology service with the complaint of primary amenorrhea. Cytogenetic analysis of chromoso-mes from blood demonstrated a 46, XY karyotype. At iaparoscopy a strict structure beieived to be uterus was noted. The right gonad was found 10x15 mm in size, solid, fusiform, on the pelvic sidewall. There was no left gonad. The procedure was ter-minated following right gonodectomy. Pathology had reported the result as seminoma deveioped in the atrophic testis. She trea-ted with irradiation lor a total dose of 26 Gy in 2 Gy daily fractions by using 6 İ/İV photons of linear accelerator. No recurrence has been found during the postoperative foiiow-up period of 7 years.