As the maiignant lesion from thyroglossal duct cyst is extremely rare; the diagnosis of malignaney was made incidentally on hystologic study of the excised surgical specimen or examination of fine needle aspiration material. We deseribed a case of tyroglossal duct cyst in which the histopathological examination of tyroglossal cyst surgical specimen established presence of papillary carcinoma. A 11 year old male presented with 2 neck swelligs. Two years earlier tyrogloss al cyst excision was done and histopathological examination showed presence of papillary carcinoma. On physical examination lymph nodes on both side of the neck determined and total thyroidectomy bilateral modified neck disseetion performed. The patient has no evidence of local recurrence or methastazis. Due to the unusuality of papillary carcinoma of thyroglossal cyst tve believe that total thyroidectomy and bilateral modified neck disseetion is the appropriate surgical approach when there is lymph nodes on physical examination.