Near Total Larenjektomi Tecrübelerimiz
P: 23-27

Near Total Larenjektomi Tecrübelerimiz

Acta Haematol Oncol Turc 2010;43(1):23-27
1. SB Haseki Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 1. Kulak Burun Boğaz Kliniği, İSTANBUL
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Received Date: 2014-08-28T17:06:36


To evaluate the oncological and functional results of near total laryngectomy for advanced laryngeal cancer patients. Patients and Methods: A retrospective review vvas carried out from January 2001 through July 2009 in cases that undervvent near total laryngectomy vvith a diagnosis of advanced laryngeal carcinoma and follovved up adeçuately in the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of Haseki Training and Research Hospital. The age of the cases ranged betvveen 37 and 69 years (mean age 54.7) There vvere 41 male and tvvo female patients. Ali patients had been previously evaluated by computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging and direct laryngoscopy. Near total laryngectomy vvas applied in patients vvith T3 and T4 supraglottic, glottic and transglot-tic lesions. Bilateral neck dissection vvere performed ali patients: 13 vvere radical neck dissections in patients vvith clinical positive neck, and 73 vvere functional neck dissection. Postoperative radiotherapy vvas applied ali patients because of advance tumour stages. Survial rates vvere evaluated vvith the Kaplan-Meier method. Results: The most common complications vvas minör aspiration (25.5%), follovved by late tracheostomy stenosis (7%). Eigth patients had regional reccurens; 3 patients had local recurrence, 4 patients had distant metastasis in the lung and bone, and 2 patient had metacronous lung carcinoma. Thirty-eight patients attained a good voice, and 5 patients did not achieved vocal ability. The tvvo years overall survival rate vvas 60.4%, five years survival rate 55.5%. Conclusion: Near total laryngectomy is an oncologically saf e and useful procedure in the treatment of selected vvith advanced laryngeal cancer patients. Voice preservation can be achieved in most patients.