Long-term arm morbidity and its related factors vvere evaluted for 299 patients operated for breast carcinoma. Pain vvas the most prominant complaint. Other complaints vvere arm svvelling, paresthesia and numbness, stiffness of shoulder and loss of strenght in order of frequency. At multivariate analysis; the factors related vvith the pain vvere age < 50, radiotheraphy and arm svvelling. Factors related vvith paresthesia and numbness vvere age < 50 and breast conserving surgery. Factors related vvith loss of strength vvere age < 50, operation on the left breast and arm svvelling. While the factors related vvith stiffness vvere arm svvelling and radiotheraphy administration; the factors related vvith restricted mobility vvere diabetes and arm svvelling. The factor related vvith increased infection vvas arm svvelling. The factors related vvith the loss of strenght and restricted mobility defined vvith physical examination tvere non-preservation of the nerves, axillary metastasis and diabetes, axillary metastasis and arm svvelling, respectiveiy.