The purpose of this study is to give the information on the outcome, management and survivability of patients with low extremity liposarcoma.
This study is a retrospective study. All the patients were seen and managed between 1986 and 2010. Their records were retrieved and analyzed for this study. Fiftynine cases were identified to have the follow up of minimum 5 years and complete documentation.
In our study, the most common variant of the liposarcom is mixoid liposarcoma in spite of literature. Ten patients who have low grade liposarcom were treated with marginal resection. Recurrence wasn’t observed. We didn’t perform neoadjuvant radiotherapy. Two patients who have high grade liposarcoma underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Adjuvant radiotherapy was given 49 patient who have intermediate or high grade liposarcoma. Four patients who have high grade liposarcoma were presented with lung metastases. Two patients who have myxoid liposarcoma were presented with extremity metastates.
We thought that, low grade liposarcomas had been treated at other small clinics as lipom so in our series the myxoid liposarcoma is the most common subtype. Neoadjuvant radiotherapy can get difficult surgery done. Recurrence usually was presented in two years after first surgery. So patients must be followed frequently during two years.