To evaluate the clinical and histopathologic results of the patients who were admitted to theOphthalmology clinic due to a mass on the eyelids retrospectively.
Clinical and histopathologic results of 50 patients who were admitted to ophthalmology polyclinic between March 2012 and March 2016 were evaluated retrospectively. The age and sex of the cases, localization of the mass, and histopathological diagnosis were recorded.
Twenty - eight (56%) women and 22 (44%) men were included in the study. The mean age of the cases was 54.3 (9-89) years. When the histopathological results of excised eyelid tumors are evaluated; 13 cases (26%) were malignant and 37 cases (74%) were benign. Malignant tumors were basal cell carcinoma (BHK) in 10 cases (76.9%), squamous cell carcinoma (SHC) in 2 cases (15.3%) and malignant epithelial tumor (7.6%) in one case. Benign tumors were squamous papilloma in 13 cases (35.1%), nevus in 5 cases (10.8%), seborrheic keratosis in 3 cases (8.1%), verruca vulgaris in 2 cases (5.4% (2.7%) epidermal nodule, 1 (2.7%) epidermal nodule, 1 case (2.7%) xanthole, 1 case (2.7%) dermoid cyst, 1 case (2.7%) fibroepithelial polyp, 1 case (2.7%) sebaceous adenoma and 1 case (2.7%) ductal cyst.
The majority of eyelid masses who applied to our hospital were benign. Basal cell carcinoma in malignant eyelid tumors and squamous papilloma in benign eyelid tumors were the most common subtypes.