Geçici Santral Venöz Kateterlerin Radyolojik Görüntüleme Yöntemleri Eşliğinde Uygulanmaları

Geçici Santral Venöz Kateterlerin Radyolojik Görüntüleme Yöntemleri Eşliğinde Uygulanmaları

Acta Haematol Oncol Turc 2010;43(23):59-64
1. SB Ankara Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 4. Radyoloji Kliniği, ANKARA
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Received Date: 2014-08-28T17:06:14


Introduction: The temporary central venous catheters are used generally in patients who are going to go under bone marrow transplantation; in renal failure patients who need accute hemodiyalisis; in patients who need high volume exchange of blood like plasmaferesis and lokoferesis also in patients who have vassel problems. In this study we aimed to show our experiences in temporary central venous catheter placement under radiological imaging tecniques. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and eight patients who were placed temporary central venous catheters under local anesthesia with ultrasonography and floroscopy guidence in our clinique between the period January 2007 and November 2009 are detected retrospectively. Results: Two hundred and twenty eight temporary central venous catheters were placed to 208 patients. The most frequent localization of insertion was internal jugular vein (84.21%). Median catheter time was 20 day (total: 4240 catheter days; range: 4 to 34 catheter days). Complications occured in 14 patients. The most common complication was venous trombosis (2.6%). All the infectious complications were seen in the patients who are going to go under bone marrow transplantation (1.3%). Conclusion: Temporary central venous cateter placement with radiological imaging guidence which has short insertion time, high success and low complication rates is a safe and effective technique.