Metastatic malign melanoma is a tumor type, which has emerged with new treatment modalities, and its frequency has increased in recent years.Immunotherapies have an important place in new treatment modalities. The basis of the immunotherapy has been established with Ipilimumab.In the literature, 22 % survival rates have been obtained in 3 years with Ipilimumab in metastatic malign melanoma.
Betwen the years 2013-2015 in Ankara Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtarslan Ankara Oncology Education and Research Hospital, the data of 17 patients diagnosed with metastatic melanom and given ipilimumab were evaluated retrospectively.
In this series, 65 % of the patients consisted of M1c, 35 % of mucosal primer, 52 % performance status 2, and only 41 % (7 patients) completed 4 applications of Ipilimumab. In all series, the overall survival rate was 3 months; however, it is 7 months in patients who receive 4 applications of Ipilimumab.Grade 3-4 side effects were observed in 23 % of the patients, which is considered as being immunological.
As a conclusion, the success rates in immunotherapies in non-selected patient group may be detected as lower than those in the literature.