We revvieved 93 patients with Evving Sarcoma follovved up betvveen 1992-2006 years vvhose median age was 12. The most common localisations were long bones, pelvis and axial skeleton. 30 patients were metastatic at the initial diagnosis. Among these patients 18 had lung metastasis. Sun/ival and disease free rates for 5-10 years were 40% and 37% respectiveley. General sun/ival rate forlocalised affection was 47% and 24% for metastatic disease (p= 0.041). İnitial tumor mass was<8 cm in 25% ofcases and >8 cm in 75% of cases. The best survival results were reported in the group of antracyciine chemotherapy regimen with VAC (vincyristine, actinomycineD and cyciophosphamide) combination. Distant metastases, large tumor masses and pelvic localisati-on were bad prognostic factors in the initial diagnosis. We stil need beter and never treatment modalities for high risk factor group.